Welcome to
Australian L'Abri
A shelter for honest questions
Thank you for your interest in Australian L’Abri. L’Abri is a shelter that seeks to find answers to honest questions about life, hope and faith. There are currently two locations in Australia.
Frank & Heather Stootman have been hosting people for nearly 40 years and, although formally moving towards retirement, continue, by arrangement, to welcome guests interested in thoughtful Christianity. We are not a large work but a residential home where guests receive a lot of individual time.

Frank & Heather are both science trained. Frank holds a PhD in Physics and Heather a PhD in Chemistry. Frank was an Associate Professor at Western Sydney University (WSU). His primary scientific interests are astrophysics and computational simulation. He has lectured extensively on the relationship of Christianity (Revelation) to Science (Natural Philosophy). He has eclectic interests in philosophy, music, history, politics, the arts, and film. He is a keen amateur videographer and video editor. Heather has administered the home, a business and L’Abri for many years. Heather likes reading, sewing and family history. She sings in a local community choir, loves to garden, and does a lot of listening!
Contact Elderslie
10 River Rd
Elderslie NSW 2570
+61 2 4658 0227 (Time Zone: GMT + 10 Hours)
Local in Australia: 02 4658 0227
L’Abri in Brisbane, Queensland is in the early stages of development. Newly appointed workers, Karl and Jenny Pacholke spent a year and half at English and Dutch L’Abri before returning to begin a work in Queensland. Karl and Jenny love welcoming guests into their home. They deeply believe that every honest question deserves an honest answer; that community is the best context for fleshing out those answers; and that looking at the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, found in the Bible, is the key to a life well lived.

Their working backgrounds are in engineering, physiotherapy, and pastoral ministry. A little brood of children enriches their days.
Get in contact with Karl and Jenny via email (labribrisbane@gmail.com) and find the best way to connect, as they are not hosting people residentially at present.
Please make cheques payable to “L’Abri Fellowship Australia.”
For electronic funds transfer:
BSB 062-517, Account Number 0059 1092, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Campbelltown
Donations to Australian L’Abri are not tax deductible. If you send a gift, please designate it for either the general work of L’Abri, a specific L’Abri branch, or the work of L’Abri Fellowship Australia.
By Postal Mail:
L’Abri Fellowship Australia
10 River Rd
Elderslie NSW 2570