Welcome to Brazil L'Abri
Thank you for your interest in L'Abri. Brazilian L'Abri is a Resource Center based in Lagoa Santa, a district of Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais State.
Brazilian L’Abri promotes monthly theme weekends, short study terms (“nano” terms, from 10 to 15 days, 3 or 4 times per year) and an annual conference between July and September. We also run a School of Theology & Christian Life. The program goes through 4 months, three classes per week, in the first semester.
Opposing the perception of many people, L’Abri is not primarily a “mind” place, even being it very important in the L’Abri tradition. The centre of L’Abri is the reality of God, having community life as the context for personal renewing – of heart, mind and hands. We believe every honest question deserves an honest answer, and that community life is the proper context for honest questioning and dialogue.
We emphasize the Lordship of Christ over all things and the unity of grace and nature as central keys for the recovering of our shared humanity. The whole gospel, for the whole human, all over the world.

About your stay

The Place: L’Abri is located in a property in “Lagoa Santa”, near the central lagoon, at 20 minutes by car from CNF international airport, and 50 minutes by car from Belo Horizonte downtown. The property was acquired in 2017, thanks to a generous donation from Swedish L’Abri friends. We have a main house to receive up to 25 students, library, homes for two worker units, a chapel and space for relaxing, including a swimming pool.
Study: Minimum staying is 3 days. There is no formal curriculum for short terms, except by some introductory audio lectures we recommend to every new student. After that, each student will arrange with his tutor an individualized program of reading and hearing lectures. Each week we offer two or three new lectures and a movie night in the living room.
There is a formal curriculum for students of the Theology & Christian Life program, including lectures and readings. The program is organized around the three theological virtues (faith, hope and love) considering its connection with traditional doctrine, spiritual experience, and practical and public issues.
As L’Abri is quite informal, it is easy to distract yourself from the studies. It is really important that you concentrate and respect the timetable. When hearing lectures or reading texts, you should take notes and try do discuss the subjects at the lunch time, tea time or with your tutor. Try to understand questions from other people so much as your own questions.